Do you want to learn about parent-child attachment and why it is important in building a healthy relationship?
Right from the Start is a FREE 8-week parenting course for individuals who are actively parenting a child birth to age 2 in their home and can consent to involvement as legal guardian.
If you are the parent of a baby under the age of 24 months and wish to develop a strong, and healthy parent-child relationship the answer is YES. The course is specially designed for parents who wish to connect with their babies and develop a healthy parent-child relationship which promotes infant attachment security, social emotional development and well-being.
Among other things, parents will learn about:
The course runs once a week for eight weeks. Each session is two hours long. The course uses video clips, problem solving discussions and skill-building exercises. With support from group leaders parents are guided in using methods shown to be effective in reducing parenting stress and improving parent-child relationships. Parents work together on solutions to parenting challenges, share ideas and explore the many faces of parenting. The course is offered at various community locations, and at different times of the day. At the end of the course, you will receive a “Certificate of Completion” for your participation. Parenting or child assessments are not provided through this course. The course is run by professionals from Children First, often in collaboration with service providers in our community.
Each session builds on the previous session so it is important to attend all eight sessions. Please speak to one of the leaders if you need to miss a session.
Parenting Involvement: This course is appropriate for individuals who are actively parenting a baby birth to age 24 months in their home and can consent to involvement as legal guardians.
Babysitting services: We do prefer that parents arrange for a family member or trusted friend to care for their children during this course. This may be hard for some parents. That’s why child minding may be available at some sites.
Cost: The course is offered completely free of charge.
How Can I Sign Up? To sign up for a course, please call at: 519-250- 1850 ext. 0 to reach reception.