Groups for Parents


Circle of Security

Circle of Security

Circle of Security Parent Training (COS-PT) is an evidence-informed, psycho-educational group focused on enhancing the caregiver-child relationship.  Different from traditional approaches, where specific behaviour techniques are taught, COS-PT offers relationship tools that provide a new way of understanding your child and their behaviours. COS-PT will support the creation of a lasting secure relationship for your child and will bring you more satisfaction in your relationship with them.

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Road to Resilience

FRIENDS Resilience

FRIENDS Resilience is intended to help children between 4 and 6 years old better manage their emotions, cope with stress and worry, develop healthy problem solving skills, and have positive relationships with others. This is achieved by providing concurrent groups for children and caregivers. Both groups focus on providing developmentally sensitive and appropriate strategies for children. Some of the topics covered in the group include feeling identification, relaxation, changing red thoughts into green thoughts, and learning to do things one step at a time, all with the goal of promoting a child’s resiliency and fostering their social and emotional development.

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triple p logo

Triple P (Positive Parenting Program)

The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program ® is a world-acclaimed parenting program that gives you the skills to manage misbehaviour and prevent problems from happening in the first place.


It Takes Two to Talk

It Takes Two to Talk

A Hanen Program for parents of children with language delays aged 2 to 5 who are receiving other services for developmental concerns.

Learning Language and Loving It

Offered to staff in child care centres and is a very effective Hanen training program that provides a step by step approach to promoting children’s social, language and literacy development during everyday activities in early childhood settings.

More Than Words

More Than Words

A Hanen Parent Training Program for parents of children 18 months to 5 years with Autism Spectrum Disorder or related social communication difficulties.