Set your child up for success!
Learn about some common signs of growth and development in infants and young children. Children are individuals and develop at their own pace. Some will develop faster, and some slower.
If your child is not performing most of the skills at the appropriate age, please speak to your family doctor or paediatrician. You can also call Children First at 519-250-1850 for more information.
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How old is your child?
Please select an option below
1 Month
1 Month
- I raise my head slightly off the bed or floor when lying on my tummy.
- I look at my mother’s face.
- I startle to loud or sudden noises.
- Come to me when I cry.
- I need to feel you near me and don’t worry, babies don’t spoil.
If your child does not meet the milestones indicated,
Click here to see your next steps.
2 Months
2 Months
- I hold my head up, bobbing, when held in a sitting position.
- I follow movement with my eyes.
- I’m starting to smile.
- I make sounds, gurgles, coos, grunts and sighs.
- Hold me, rock me, talk to me and let me look at you. I’m learning to trust you.
If your child does not meet the milestones indicated,
Click here to see your next steps.
3 Months
3 Months
- My head control is getting better.
- I can hold a toy in my hand and bring it to my mouth.
- I smile, babble, coo and chuckle when you talk to me.
- Talk to me when I coo. You’re teaching me to take turns and be social.
If your child does not meet the milestones indicated,
Click here to see your next steps.
4 Months
4 Months
- I can lift my head and chest when on my tummy.
- I turn my head from side to side to follow sounds and movement.
- I reach for and grasp a toy.
- I can bring my hands together.
- I’m starting to laugh aloud.
- Play games with me like peek-a-boo and itsy bitsy spider. I’m getting a sense of humour.
If your child does not meet the milestones indicated,
Click here to see your next steps.
6 Months
6 Months
- I can sit with a little support.
- I roll from back to tummy and tummy to back.
- I eat pureed food from a spoon.
- I’m starting to recognize some words like my name and Bye Bye.
- I babble, crow and squeal and enjoy my own voice.
- Play on the floor with me. I want to try out my muscles and get ready to crawl.
If your child does not meet the milestones indicated,
Click here to see your next steps.
9 Months
9 Months
- I can sit alone for a short time, and stand when supported.
- I’m starting to crawl.
- I play with two objects at the same time and can bang them together.
- I babble (e.g. MaMa, BaBa) and imitate your sounds and expressions.
- Let me stay near you. New people and places frighten me and I may “make strange”.
If your child does not meet the milestones indicated,
Click here to see your next steps.
12 Months
12 Months
- I can crawl well and pull myself to stand. I may walk holding a hand. I pick up small objects with thumb and first finger e.g. cheerios.
- I understand language and can at least say three words. I show emotions like anger, fear, and happiness.
- Give me routines for meals, play and bedtime. They help me learn self control.
If your child does not meet the milestones indicated,
Click here to see your next steps.
15 Months
15 Months
- I may walk without help.
- I can stack two or more blocks.
- I can say three or four words and can follow simple directions.
- I can feed myself with my hands and may start to use a spoon.
- I communicate through gestures and pointing.
- Show me how to play with a baby doll or teddy. I’ll learn to care for others.
If your child does not meet the milestones indicated,
Click here to see your next steps.
18 Months
18 Months
- I walk steadily and can climb up and down one step.
- I can use at least 20 words.
- I scribble with a crayon.
- I help while being dressed.
- I can drink from a cup.
- I show affection to favourite people, pets or toys.
- Set limits for my behaviour. I’ll learn if you’re consistent and loving.
If your child does not meet the milestones indicated,
Click here to see your next steps.
20 Months
20 Months
- I am starting to run.
- I can sit in a chair.
- I understand many words, phrases and directions and shake my head yes and no.
- I’m learning new words all the time and I talk to myself and my toys.
- I can point to at least 3 body parts when named.
- Help me make friends. I enjoy playing alongside other children, but not with them yet.
If your child does not meet the milestones indicated,
Click here to see your next steps.
24 Months
24 Months
- I can squat to pick up a toy and stand again.
- I can kick a large ball.
- I turn pages 2 or 3 at a time.
- I can point to familiar objects e.g. ball, car.
- I say 100 or more words and can make 2 word sentences.
- I want to be independent and I get frustrated easily. Help me by being patient with me.
If your child does not meet the milestones indicated,
Click here to see your next steps.
30 Months
30 Months
- I can walk backward and on tiptoe for a short distance.
- I can unscrew jar lids.
- I match same objects.
- I feed myself fairly well.
- I understand most of what you say.
- I usually use 2 or 3 word sentences.
- I can listen to a 5 or 10 minute story.
- Let me help you around the house. It makes me feel special.
If your child does not meet the milestones indicated,
Click here to see your next steps.
36 Months
36 Months
- I climb stairs using the handrail.
- I can jump and stand on 1 foot.
- I can build a tower of 8 or more blocks.
- I understand two step directions e.g. pick up the block and put it in the cup.
- I know my name and sex.
- Give me positive messages about myself. My self-esteem will grow.
If your child does not meet the milestones indicated,
Click here to see your next steps.